Hello everyone
I’m 31
-Which 19-nor substance gave you PDD (Deca, Tren, NPP etc.)? Cycle length? Dosage?
I used Npp
-Date your PDD started
3 months of use it has been 18 months ago at the end of this month
-Are you now on TRT or have your Test/ Free Test/ Estro levels returned to normal naturally?
My levels of free test, total test, and estrogen and back to normal with the use of Trt
-Give a rating for the following out of 10 compared with before PDD. 10/10 means the same as before (feel free to give further comments):
-Sex drive
My sex drive I would rate a 6
-Erection quality
My erection quality I would right about normal other then the soft glands. Complete and full erection other then the glands of my penis (the head) doesn’t get hard or fill with blood what so ever.