Introduce Your Case template:
-Which 19-nor substance gave you PDD (Deca, Tren, NPP etc.)? Cycle length? Dosage?
-Date your PDD started
-Has it been at least 6 months since you last administered the said 19-nor and have your Testosterone, Free Test and Estrogen levels returned to normal either naturally or through TRT? (If the answer to either of these is no then we should be cautious to assume that you actually have PDD. Your focus should be optimising your Test levels)
-Are you now on TRT or have your Test/ Free Test/ Estro levels returned to normal naturally?
-Give a rating for the following out of 10 compared with before PDD. 10/10 means the same as before (feel free to give further comments):
-Sex drive
-Erection quality
-Orgasm Quality
-Ability to experience negative emotion
-Ability to experience positive emotion
-Ability to experience feelings of confidence (feeling good about being you)
-Feelings of pleasure seeking
-Feelings of hunger (thinking about what you will eat and salivating)
-Ability to handle stress/ not be affected by stress
-Memory and cognitive ability
-Sleep quality
-Energy levels
-Have you seen any change (improvement or worsening) of symptoms since PDD started? Do you know what brought about these changes?
-During or after your cycle, did you experience any digestive issues? (Bloating, diarrhea, constipation etc)
-Any other symptoms of PDD or changes you think were caused by PDD?
-Any other comments?