-Which 19-nor substance gave you PDD (Deca, Tren, NPP etc.)? Cycle length? Dosage?
Deca - Was running 2ml test e and 2ml deca per week, cant remember the dosage but I would guess around 600mg test e and 200-400mg deca for 12 weeks.
-Date your PDD started
May 2012
-Has it been at least 6 months since you last administered the said 19-nor and have your Testosterone, Free Test and Estrogen levels returned to normal either naturally or through TRT? (If the answer to either of these is no then we should be cautious to assume that you actually have PDD. Your focus should be optimising your Test levels)
-Are you now on TRT or have your Test/ Free Test/ Estro levels returned to normal naturally?
TRT - Test e and HCG
-Give a rating for the following out of 10 compared with before PDD. 10/10 means the same as before (feel free to give further comments):
-Sex drive - 3/10
-Erection quality - 8/10
-Orgasm Quality - 9/10
-Ability to experience negative emotion - 9/10 - Can feel negative but unable to cry.
-Ability to experience positive emotion - 9/10 - Can have long periods of feeling positive.
-Ability to experience feelings of confidence (feeling good about being you) - 9/10 - Comes in waves.
-Feelings of pleasure seeking - 8/10 - Comes in waves/depends where my T levels are at.
-Feelings of hunger (thinking about what you will eat and salivating) - 10/10
-Ability to handle stress/ not be affected by stress - 9/10 - I don't really get stressed over little things.
-Memory and cognitive ability - 8/10, much better than before but memory of names is a problem.
-Sleep quality - 10/10
-Energy levels - 8/10 - Good when on certain TRT dosages.
-Depression - 9/10
-Anxiety - 9/10
-Have you seen any change (improvement or worsening) of symptoms since PDD started? Do you know what brought about these changes?
Big improvements from the use of high dose HCG, majority of symptoms have resolved, libido is the main issue I still struggle with.
-During or after your cycle, did you experience any digestive issues? (Bloating, diarrhea, constipation etc)
-Any other symptoms of PDD or changes you think were caused by PDD?
Penile shrinkage, dry penis glans, watery semen, head hair quality regressed, muscle wastage, fat gain, gynecomastia. (Bascially all the same symptoms as someone with Post Finasteride Syndrome)
-Any other comments?
Hey folks, wanting to share my story in hopes someone can make improvements from what has helped me. Im originally from the UK and have suffered from deca dick for coming up 11 years, had zero improvements through years 0-6, started making big improvements through years 6-8 and have made slow further improvements through years 8-10.
Years 0-6 - I had no idea what was wrong with me during this time, as you are well aware it was a living hell of symptoms, low libido, dick was shrivelled and cold to touch, penis head was dry and on a the rare occasion I had an erection the head was always soft, extreme fatigue, depression, unable to exercise, brain fog to name a few, I thought my life was over. I stayed away from all steroids in hopes I could recover naturally, tried natural herbs/supplements, test boosters, vitamins, even spent a month in India at an Ayurvedic Wellness Retreat (a retreat where you do nothing except eat organic foods, perform yoga, meditate, receive massages and consult a Dr who provides you with natural supplements). I visited endocrinologists and had multiple blood tests, all showing my levels were fine. After having no luck with that route i decided to go back onto test e in the hopes it would resolve my issues if I had higher than normal test levels in my body, this done nothing for me, it was like my body wouldn't respond to test anymore, I tried various dosages from 100mg per week to 1000mg per week over the course of a year, as a result I decided to come off again and start a PCT, I ran Dr Mike Scalleys Power PCT Protocol and this is where i first started seeing improvements.
Years 6-8 - Started Power PCT and noticed improvements with my penis, the glans filled out more, size was returning, had less frequent hard flacid states, energy levels were improving and had brief moments of a return in libido. I tried taking clomid on its own, no improvements. but had great numbers on paper. Tried taking tamoxifen on its own, no improvements but great numbers on paper, then tried high dose HCG on its own and started seeing further improvements. I would run the HCG solo for 3 weeks at 2500iu mon/wed/fri, then take 3 months off as i was worried about leydeg cell desensitisation in the testicles from the high dosage, each time I performed this i saw improvements and they always stuck around after I stopped the HCG. I was finally able to exercise again, put on muscle and was even able to have sex however the libido was very inconsistent. I performed this routine 4 times with the fourth time making no further improvements.
Years 8-10 - By around this time period i had rectified the majority of my issues, however libido was still pretty poor. I decided to try TRT (self induced) to see if I would now respond to the test, I started on 150mg per week split into everyday dosages along with 100iu HCG daily. The first few months I felt 100% back to normal, great muscle gains, high libido, consistently having sex and energy levels through the roof, however this did not last and I have been trying different dosage & frequency throughout the last 1.5 years and have tried lower and higher dosages, libido would return for short periods of time but would never last. I am either going past my sweet spot or the dosage changes is whats making my libido return. I am currently residing in New Zealand and have finally found a TRT doctor (they are very hard to come by here) who may be able to help me dial in my protocol, so hoping to see him in the next few weeks.
Anyway if anyone has questions then feel free to ask, I realise this is a long post but this is a very shortened version of the things I have tried and researched throughout the years.